Academic journals published by Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia)
  • BUDILOKA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Profesi Keguruan

    BUDILOKA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Profesi Keguruan merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola dengan proses peer review. BUDILOKA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Profesi Keguruan menerbitkan naskah hasil penelitian dan review literatur dalam bidang  ilmu pendidikan, profesi keguruan, dan pembelajaran teknologi dan vokasi/kejuruan.

    BUDILOKA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Profesi Keguruan terbit tiga kali setahun, yaitu: Februari, Juni, dan September, terbit secara open acces. Penulis yang ingin mengirimkan artikelnya dimulai dengan melakukan registrasi online di website dan menyesuaikan artikel dengan panduan dan template jurnal ini.

  • Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pembelajaran

    Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pembelajaran (JRIP) adalah jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan kependidikan yang diterbitkan oleh Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia). Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mempublikasikan penelitian atau kajian kritis dibidang kependidikan dengan kualitas terbaik. Cakupan publikasi JRIP meliputi (1) Inovasi Pembelajaran; (2) Riset Pembelajaran; (3) Lesson Study, (4) Evaluasi Pembelajaran, (5) STE(A)M (Science, Technology, Enginering, Art, And Mathematics), (6) Kemampuan Berpikir Siswa, dan (7) Learning Disability. JRIP terbit tiga kali setahun pada bulan April, Agustus dan Desember.

  • Kognitif: Jurnal Riset HOTS Pendidikan Matematika

    Kognitif: Jurnal Riset HOTS Pendidikan Matematika merupakan jurnal dengan double blind peer reviewed yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran dan pengajaran matematika yang sifatnya kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mempublikasikan penelitian dengan kualitas terbaik yang memperluas pemahaman tentang bagaimana individu mengonstruksi, mengolah, mengkomunikasikan, menerapkan, dan memahami ide-ide matematika.

    Kognitif: Jurnal Riset HOTS Pendidikan Matematika menyambut baik penelitian kuantitatif, kualitatif serta penelitian mixed  dengan analisa yang berkualitas tinggi. Jurnal ini berfokus pada penelitian tentang Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), misalkan berpikir kritis, berpikir kreatif, penalaran matematis, dan pemahaman matematis. Kami juga meneima riset tentang  pembelajaran dan pengajaran matematika di semua level, baik dalam pembelajaran formal maupun informal.

    Kami mendorong penulis untuk mengirimkan artikel yang melanjutkan, memperluas, memodifikasi, atau menantang temuan yang telah diterbit pada suatu jurnal. Partisipan yang diharapkan dalam jurnal ini meliputi para peneliti yang berkonsentrasi pada pembelajaran matematika, ahli di bidang psikologi matematika, ahli di bidang kognitif matematika, dan pembuat kebijakan.

    Untuk meningkatkan kualitas publikasi, pada tahun 2023 Pengelola Kognitif: Jurnal Riset HOTS Pendidikan Matematika bekerja sama dengan Indonesian Mathematics Educators Society (I-MES). Tujuan kerjasama ini adalah untuk meningkatkan relasi dengan peneliti di bidang pendidikan matematika


  • JUDIKDAS: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia

    JUDIKDAS: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar Indonedisa adalah jurnal ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian yang orisinil dan memuat isu isu terkini di bidang pendidikan dasar dengan kualitas terbaik yang meliputi Manajemen pendidikan, Strategi dan Inovasi Pembelajaran, Alat dan Media Pembelajaran, Kompetensi guru, dan perkembangan anak di sekolah dasar. JUDIKDAS adalah jurnal peer-review yang diterbitkan oleh Educational and Talent Development Center of Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia). Edisi pertama JUDIKDAS terbit pada Desember 2021. Jurnal ini terbit empat kali setahun pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember.


  • PATIKALA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

    Abdimas Patikala adalah Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat oleh Education and Talent Development Center of Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia) yang menerbitkan artikel pengabdian dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu diantaranya teknologi terapan, pendidikan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, kesehatan, sosial humaniora, dan hukum. Tujuan jurnal ini untuk memfasilitasi para akademisi dan praktisi dalam menerbitkan hasil karya-karya inovasi secara luas dalam pengembangan dan penyelesaian permasalahan dalam kehidupan masyarakat.


  • ETDC: Indonesian Journal of Research and Educational Review

    ETDC: Indonesian Journal of Research and Educational Review (IJRER) is a peer-refereed open-access journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of Education: instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments, Law, Economics, and Philosophy. This journal is founded under the collaboration of the Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia). All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two international reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal. IJRER is an internationally recognized journal in the field of education and is published six times a year (in March, June, September, & December).

    The IJRER Journal welcomes high-quality manuscripts resulting from a research project in the scope of education, which includes but is not limited to the following topics: instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments, Law, Economics, and Philosophy. The manuscript must be original research, written in Indonesian and English, and not be simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.



  • JESD: Journal of Education Social and Development

    JESD: Journal of Education Social and Development merupakan jurnal yang menerbitkan dan menyebar luaskan pemikiran, ide-ide secara teoritis, konseptual dalam kajian studi literatur, pendidikan, penelitian, komunikasi, sosiologi, budaya, ilmu politik, dan ilmu sosial yang relevan dari kalangan, guru, akademisi, dan paraktisi.

    Journal of Education Social and Development (JESD) terbit secara berkala setiap bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember, . Artikel dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris.


  • Journal of Discourse Studies

    Journal of Discourse Studies is a journal aiming to publish discourse studies, either Indonesian, local or foreign literature, special attention is given to cross-disciplinary studies of text and talk in linguistics, anthropology, ethnomethodology, cognitive and social psychology, and communication studies. All articles in Journal of Discourse Studies has passed reviewing process by reviewers and edited by editors. Journal of Discourse Studies is published by … twice a year, June and December. All articles are published under a Creative Commons license, which allows for a fast impact and increased citations and publicity.

  • Dengen: Agricultural Science and Technology Journal

    Jurnal Dengen merupakan juranl ilmiah dalam bidang Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian yang diterbitkan oleh Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia). Jurnal ini diterbitkan 3 kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Desember, April dan Agustus.

  • AUFKLARUNG: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia, dan Pembelajarannya

    AUFKLARUNG: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia, dan Pembelajarannya is published by Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia).

    AUFKLARUNG: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia, dan Pembelajarannya is published 6 (six) times a year in November (October-November edition), January (December-January edition), March (february-march edition), May (april-may edition), July (June-July edition), and September (Agustus-September edition) , contains articles/articles of thought and research written by experts, scientists, practitioners, and reviewers/reviewers on research results, conceptual ideas, study and application of theory, literature review, and book reviews.

  • Jurnal Riset Evaluasi Pendidikan

    Jurnal Riset dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (JREP) bertujuan untuk mewadahi forum pemahaman ilmiah bidang pendidikan dan memainkan peran penting dalam mempromosikan proses akumulasi pengetahuan, nilai, dan keterampilan yang ditransmisikan dari satu generasi ke generasi lainnya; dan untuk menyediakan metode dan isi evaluasi dan penelitian dalam pendidikan bagi para guru, administrator, dan pekerja penelitian. Jurnal ini  mencakup penelitian tentang:

    • pengembangan instrumen dan penilaian,

    • penilaian kelas

    • evaluasi kebijakan

    • program dalam pengaturan pendidikan

    • Pembelajaran

  • Computer, Optimization, and Data Engineering Journal

    Computer, Optimization, and Data Engineering Journal (CODE) adalah sebuah jurnal blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, tetapi tidak terbatas secara implisit. Semua artikel di jurnal CODE 

  • Jurnal Vokatif: Pendidikan Bahasa, Kebahasaan, dan Sastra

    Jurnal Vokatif: Pendidikan Bahasa, Kebahasaan, Sastra is an academic journal published in April,  Agustus  and Desember by Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia). This journal presents scientific articles on Learning, Education, Literature, Linguistics, Culture

  • Oceanic Insights: A Maritime Research Journal

    Oceanic Insights: A Maritime Research Journal, is a periodical that explores the wonders and complexities of the maritime world, with a double blind peer review process. The journal is dedicated to exploring a deeper understanding of oceanic realities in both quantitative and qualitative dimensions. This scientific articulation aims to publish the best quality research, opening a window of insight into how individuals construct, process, communicate, apply and understand concepts inherent to the oceanic realm.

    Oceanic Insights: A Maritime Research Journal is an interdisciplinary platform that welcomes contributions from diverse fields, which include, but are not limited to, maritime studies, oceanography, environmental science, marine biology, and marine engineering.

    The journal features papers in two different categories:

    1. Theoretical and Methodological Contributions: Articles that fall under this category utilize mathematical modeling, optimization theory, and related methodologies to pioneer innovative theories, methodologies, and/or algorithms in the field of maritime research.

    2. Empirical Research Explorations: Papers categorized as empirical research use quantitative techniques derived from statistics, AI, machine learning, and others, or qualitative research methods such as face-to-face interviews, focus groups, and case study research, to uncover new perspectives on specific aspects of maritime research.

    In both categories, manuscripts submitted to Oceanic Insights are expected to clearly illustrate the expected impact on the advancement of maritime knowledge and practice. Our journal serves as a beacon for researchers and enthusiasts, offering a comprehensive exploration of the vast and complex world of maritime studies.

  • MACCA : Science-Edu Journal


    In Bugis society, smart is known as macca, whereas chem is the acronym of chemistry. Chemistry is the English language of chemistry, while edu is the abbreviation of education. The presence of the Macca: Science-Edu Journal is expected to enlighten the nation, especially in the field of science education. This journal publishes articles related to teaching activities of science education. It is hoped that the presence of the Macca Chem Edu Journal can educate the nation, especially in the field of science education. This journal publishes articles related to teaching activities of sceince education. The scope of this journal includes:

    • Teaching method of science education

    • Management of science education

    • Implications of science education teaching activity

    • Activity of science education discussion

    • Contribution of increasing science education teaching activity

  • Hayyan Journal

    The name of the journal is inspired by the figure of Jabir bin Hayyan, known as the father of modern chemistry. The presence of the Hayyan Journal is expected to contribute to the wider public, especially in the field of science related to chemistry. This journal publishes articles related to chemistry and its floating. As far as the scope of this journal is concerned, it covers:

    • Inorganic Chemistry

    • Organic Chemistry

    • Physical Chemistries

    • Chemical Instruments

    • Analytical Chemistries

    • Materials Chemicals

    • Industrial chemistry

    • Biochemistry

    • Applied Science

    • Applied Chemistry



    Scope: The Mammiri Journal caters to the interdisciplinary realm of focus on the application of research results in the fields of science, technoscience, environmental technology, science education, medicinal plants and pharmacology.

    Focus Areas:

    Focus Areas for the Journal of Community Engagement Related to Research Application in Various Fields:

    a. Scientific Innovations and Discoveries:
    - Exploration of cutting-edge research findings and their practical applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and other natural sciences.

    b. Technological Advancements and Applications:
    - Examination of technological breakthroughs and their utilization in diverse sectors, including information technology, engineering, biotechnology, and beyond.

    c. Environmental Technologies and Sustainability:
    - Investigation into sustainable solutions and environmental technologies aimed at mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, and promoting eco-friendly practices.

    d. Educational Strategies in Science:
    - Analysis of effective pedagogical approaches and educational interventions to enhance science education at various levels, fostering scientific literacy and critical thinking skills.

    e. Herbal Medicine and Pharmacological Research:
    - Study of medicinal plants, herbal remedies, and pharmacological interventions derived from research findings, exploring their efficacy, safety, and potential therapeutic applications.

    f. Community-Based Research in Health Sciences:
    - Engagement in community-based research initiatives focusing on health sciences, addressing local health challenges, promoting preventive measures, and improving access to healthcare services.

    Methodological Diversity: Embracing a wide array of research methodologies, the journal features quantitative analyses, qualitative inquiries, and interdisciplinary approaches to address contemporary challenges in public service.

    Practical Implications: Beyond academic discourse, the Mammiri Journal offers actionable insights and policy recommendations, guiding policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in informed decision-making and implementation strategies.

    Future Directions: As a catalyst for ongoing dialogue and innovation, the journal explores emerging trends such as focus on the application of research results in the fields of science, technoscience, environmental technology, science education, medicinal plants and pharmacologys.

    Audience: Scientist, Targeting scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and educators, the Mammiri Journal serves as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the advancement of sciences and technology initiatives worldwide.

  • Journal Innovation Governance and Social

    JIGS: Journal Innovation Governance and Social merupakan jurnal ilmiah untuk penelitian atau gagasan politik pemerintahan dan administrasi publik yang diterbitkan oleh Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia). Mengundang para akademisi dan praktisi politik pemerintahan & administrasi publik untuk mengirimkan artikel hasil penelitian bidang politik, tata kelola pemerintahan dan inovasi pelayanan publik.

    Jurnal ini terbit 3 (tiga) kali setahun pada bulan April, Agustus, dan Desember.

  • International Journal of Education Science and Technology

    IJEST:International Journal of Education Science and Technology