About the Journal

The name of the journal is inspired by the figure of Jabir bin Hayyan, known as the father of modern chemistry, is a pioneering figure whose contributions continue to shape our understanding of the field of chemistry today. His work laid the foundation for the theoretical framework proposed by Tibor Ganti, which sought to understand the principles of life through the lens of chemical transformation cycles and their interconnections. The systems paradigm that emerged at the turn of the next century built on these ideas, shedding new light on the complexity of chemical and biological processes. This journal pays tribute to the important contributions of Jabir bin Hayyan and others who advocated a systems view in contemporary chemistry. The systems view in chemistry, especially when applied to the study of chemical evolution leading to the emergence of life. The legacy of Jabir bin Hayyan, often hailed as the father of modern chemistry, continues to shape our understanding of the field of chemistry today. In today's rapidly changing world, the importance of accurate weather forecasting cannot be overstated. This journal explores the legacy of Jabir bin Hayyan, tracing the foundations of modern chemistry. It is hoped that the presence of the Hayyan Journal can contribute to the wider community, especially in the field of science related to chemistry.

Focus and Scope

This journal publishes articles related to chemistry. The scope of this journal includes:

  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistries
  • Chemical Instruments
  • Analytical Chemistries
  • Materials Chemicals
  • Industrial chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Applied Science
  • Applied Chemistry