Hayyan Journal was established in 2024, published three times a year, in February, June and October, starting in Volume 1 Number 1 February 2024. The journal is only published using one language, namely English.
The journal's name is inspired by Jabir bin Hayyan, also known as Geber, who was a prolific scientist, alchemist, and philosopher who lived during the Abbasid Caliphate in the 8th century. He is widely recognized as the father of Arabic alchemy, a field that significantly influenced the development of modern chemistry. Jabir bin Hayyan's contributions to the field of alchemy were immense and extensive. Jabir is considered to be the one who introduced experimental methodology into alchemy, which was a significant change from the more mystical and speculative approach that had dominated the field until then. In addition, Jabir bin Hayyan is believed to have invented several chemical processes that are still used in modern chemistry, making him a true pioneer in the field. Jabir's works, including Kitab-al-Kimya, Kitab Al Sabe'een, and the highly esoteric Kitab Al Ahjar, were translated and widely disseminated in Europe, where they influenced the evolution of modern chemistry for several centuries.
The journal explores the legacy of Jabir bin Hayyan, tracing the foundations of modern chemistry. It is hoped that the presence of Hayyan Journal can make a significant contribution to the wider community and become a forum for publishing research results from scholars. This journal aims to offer new solutions to various problems faced by society, both on a national and international scale, especially in the field of science related to chemistry.
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Current Issue

Hayyan Journal ISSN 3046-6679 (online), publishes scientific papers based on studies/research and literature review in the fields of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistries, Chemical, Instruments, Analytical Chemistries, Materials Chemicals, Industrial, chemistry, Biochemistry, Applied Science, Applied Chemistry, and science education. The editor accepts articles that have never been published in other media with the writing format as stated on the manuscript writing guidelines page.